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soulful minds - toons, comics, surrealism

Art beyond traditional norms and ideas

Some things become clearer if you remove them from reality and everyday life and exaggerate them. ...and sometimes you meet beings from other worlds, from another planet(...)

From another planet - strange worlds

How often are we suspicious of other people because they don't look the way we imagine or how we like them. In our eyes, they are behaving strangely, not conforming to the norm. The norm that we have created for ourselves. How much more interesting life could be if we were more curious about each other. See how it is elsewhere, how other people (can) live. Perhaps such an encounter of the 3rd kind would be funny, creative and enriching for our own creativity. Just like the little prince sets out from his star to see how the rest of the world works. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry was a French author and pilot. The story of the little prince, which he illustrated himself, is known around the world. The booklet was first published in French on April 6, 1943 in New York, where Saint-Exupéry lived in exile. The work has since been translated into 382 languages.

One of the most important takeaways for me from this story is that you have to know yourself. Only when you have understood who you are, what makes you special and what is really important to you can you approach other people with love and get involved with them. This is the only way to get to know other strangers, or other beings here in my little file, and possibly form an opinion. Because that's the only way to know what you're actually capable of.

In the DAZ STUDIO there are what feels like 1001 characters, people and other beings. In this folder, I would like to give all of them the opportunity to meet, get to know one another and interact. Let's see how they deal with it, what they learn and whether one or the other doesn't get along with each other. Quite like a fairy tale in real life ;-) ...


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