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Street Art - TUBUKU

"Give the world color and it won't see black anymore"

TUBUKU, these areYaroslav "Jarek" MasztalerzandAlex Weigandt. Jarek immigrated from Poland and Alex from Kazakhstan, both 35 years old are brothers in spirit and in artistic conception. They spent their youth together in Monheim.

You can find out more here (...)

Street Art I Volta Platz Krefeld I TUBUKU I Lifestyle I Graffiti I Design I Urbex Art I Samara Blue

in progress

Voltaplatz Krefeld - On the way to the moon ...

Street Art I Volta Platz Krefeld I TUBUKU I Lifestyle I Graffiti I Design I Urbex Art I Samara Blue

The Wall - In the Land Before Time...

Street Art I Schlachthof Krefeld I TUBUKU I Lifestyle I Graffiti I Design I Urbex Art I Samara Blue

Das Schöne beim Fotografieren ist u.a., dass man Gleichgesinnte trifft und sich schnell ein Gespräch entwickelt. So erging es mir mit dem Skaterplatz/Voltaplatz in Krefeld. Danke an Reinhard Knittel, der mich an seinen Erfahrungen mit Streetart Fotografie teilhaben ließ und mir den ein oder anderen interessanten Tipp gab.

TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit

Diese tolle Mauer am Schlachthof Krefeld z.B. kannte ich zwar schon, doch habe ich die Gelegenheit genutzt, dieses Kunstwerk auch mal in seinen Einzelteilen zu betrachten.

TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit

Dunkel gewandet, die Seele trägt Trauer, unendlich hoch die steinerne Mauer. Ganz leise eine Rose spricht tiefdunkelrot. In Liebe sie haucht: " Steh auf! Noch bist du nicht tot!" (Samara Blue)

TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit

Beim Tyrannosaurus Rex waren die Nasennebenhöhlen größer als das Gehirn. Scheint bei manchen Menschen auch zuzutreffen. (DERBESTE)

TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit

"Was kann man von Dinosauriern lernen? Niemandem gehört die Erde ewig." (Ernst Probst)

TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit

*Garten der Träume* Der Garten ist der letzte Luxus unserer Tage, denn er erfordert das, was in unserer Gesellschaft am kostbarsten geworden ist: Zuwendung, Zeit & Raum. (D. Vincent)

TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit
TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit

Von Bienchen und Blümchen ... „Wenn die Bienen verschwinden, hat der Mensch nur noch vier Jahre zu leben; keine Bienen mehr, keine Pflanzen, keine Tiere, keine Menschen mehr.“ (Albert Einstein)

TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit

Der Utopist sieht das Paradies, der Realist das Paradies plus Schlange. (Friedrich Hebbel) - Entscheide selbst ...

TUBUKU I Street Art I Samara Blue Urbex Art I Samara Blue I In einem Land vor unserer Zeit
Künstlerinfo TUBUKU

In order not to succumb to the boredom of Monheim, which was still insignificant at the time, the two had to decide whether they wanted to follow the wrong path or trust in their  their  should take special paths.

Obviously, the two of them weren't after creative activities in night and fog actions, but rather energetic spraying and painting in public space. They don't want to and don't have to hide. On the contrary, they want and should earn money with their artistic craft.

The name TUBUKU is made up of the English "too" and the French "beaucoup". This is based on the German saying "Too much of a good thing". In this way they express their way of working, always giving everything, preferably more than necessary, also verbally.

They see themselves more as craftsmen and designers than as artists. They are guided by the local conditions combined with the customer's wishes. If a wall needs more paint, they say it should get it. And they are not stingy with energy and color. Her mostly nature-related motifs impress with their intensive, finely tuned coloring, which is intensified by using at least three levels per color and ensures special plasticity. This supports the currently so popular3D style, which was first noticed by DAIM in 1989 as part of street art and was placed on the walls of houses.

Jarek and Alex don't want to be seen as artists so much. An artist has an image, an idea in their head that they want to realize, but they see the conditions they find and are inspired by them.


However, I do perceive the resulting images as art.

As Wikipedia explains, art is a human cultural product, a result of a creative process. The creativity of the two paired with their manual skills creates art in the urban environment. Art that makes people stop and see the world through the eyes of TUBUKU for the moment and possibly exchange ideas with other chance encounters. That's what street art is all about for me personally. It allows me to simply find the pictures beautiful or, if I like, to interpret them for myself, to perceive a whole in individual parts and to add words to them that often only occur to me during post-processing on the PC.


But not only motifs from nature originate from the two creative minds. They also bring extraterrestrial worlds to the walls in a lively and colorful way, as is currently the case at Volta Platz in Krefeld. Her sphere of activity has long since extended beyond the borders of Krefeld. With live streams, they let their fan community actively participate in what is happening, especially in Corona times. The customer can obtain comprehensive information about the projects and working methods of TUBUKU via their professional homepage and place orders that are precisely tailored to their interests.

Krefeld, April 5th, 2021

(Source: Krone,​

SamaraBlue - MyWayOfArt/

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